Advertise with Alamo Audible

Reach the UTSA Community

Looking to expand the exposure of your business among alumni, students, and supporters of UTSA? Alamo Audible can provide an avenue to building familiarity and trust among this market microsegment.

Our followers are passionate about supporting businesses that support UTSA. We’ve helped promote BBQ catering services, ready-to-eat carne guisada, San Antonio-focus podcasts, tailgates, clothing apparel, custom cabinet builders, and much more.

Our listener base is 91% male, while 86% of our subscribers are Texans and 64% are based in San Antonio. 68% of our listeners are in the 18-45 age range. Around 20% of our podcast listeners pay for a premium subscription. Most of our premium subscribers are employed by corporations, however we do have many premium subscribers who own their own small businesses.

If our demographic profile fits your business needs then consider subscribing to our Patreon at the Big Money Donor or Board of Trustees level. Each of our donors at this level receive recognition on each of our public podcasts, and we’ll link your logo and business on our website.

Looking for a custom advertising solution on any of our platforms? Reach out to us via the contact form on this page to discuss a unique advertisement for your business.

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